Hokkaido University

Academia–Industry Joint Research Agreement for Advanced Image Analysis Technology
Tomographic imaging is a method of visualizing the interior of a sample by examining the distribution of physical properties within it, such as with a computer tomography (CT) scanning in medicine.
Hokkaido University’s Laboratory of Evolutionary Paleontology (Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science) has been developing a system that can generate 19K+ ultra-high-resolution tomographic data.
The aim is to realize a next-generation tomography solution that can visualize objects’ internal structure beyond human limits.
A challenge exists in the huge size of the 3D data generated by the device. Even when accessing Japan’s top level of computing resources, including supercomputers, various issues have affected visualization of the 3D models.
In the joint research, Hokkaido University is providing ultra-high-resolution data acquired through tomography equipment. Morgenrot, for its part, is developing ultra-high resolution 3D modeling software that uses its proprietary cutting-edge image analysis technology.
The output of this research should be usable in a wide range of fields, from earth and planetary sciences to medicine and industry, helping to solve structural challenges.